DB OPTimize


Its all about Performance. Performance is our specialty. Performance is our business.

We will make your database, your online queries and your Data Warehouse workload and reports RUN AS FAST AS THEY CAN GETROI guaranteed!

DB OPTimize supplies professional, reliable, efficient and trustworthy services.

  • Your database response time is too slow…
  • Users start complaining that “it works too slow”…
  • Users complain that sometimes some SQL, some job, some report or some code runs well, but sometimes it run awful, and you wonder how to analyze and fix this issue…
  • Reports are not ending and continue running for longs hours..
  • DW (Data Warehouse) night workload is not finishing on time, it starts interfering with morning online workload, causing your managers to complain to you on slowness and business risk…
  • You are struggling identifying the root cause of your slowness. You are asking yourself if its the database fault, or maybe it’s not the one to blame this time. Maybe now there is some storage or network problem? Maybe this time the application code is the source of the problem?
  • Your SLA is broken and red flags start to be seen…
  • You have noticed some problematic SQL and it just seems impossible to improve it…
  • Your database is suffering from some Wait Events and you are wondering what causes it and how to tune it…
  • There are some heavily accessed objects…

Are these questions sounds familiar? Are they happening from time to time? It doesn’t have to be like this.

Whatever database you are using (Oracle, SQL Server, Postgress or MongoDB), whatever version, and no matter what operating system you are running on, DB OPTimize can help you.

DB OPTimize performs the complete tuning process. From monitoring and detection, via analyzing and solving the issue. DB OPTimize masters Oracle’s internal data inside out, and uses its statistics data, performance data and AWR data for monitoring, diagnose, tuning and solving. DB OPTimize also masters SQL Server’s Query Store mechanism, Postgres performance stats and more.

DB OPTimize assists organizations that are experiencing performance tuning problems in their production environments. It also supports organizations that want to prevent future performance problems by utilizing our skills during the development phase, and assuring that the developed version will run satisfactorily during production.

DB OPTimize also provides short long and running assistant and guidance for organizations and developers accessing various databases, helping them to use the database in the right and efficient way, regardless the language being used by the developers (JAVA, .NET, C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL, PYTHON, or any other language).

Whether you identify with the slogan “Prevention is better than cure”, or you just need someone “to extinguish the fire”, DB OPTimize is there for you. We provide either short-term consultation, or long-term consultation during the full project life cycle, whatever best suits the needs of the organization.

Contact us